FindFile (x64 Unicode) : Tue May 28 18:03 2024

                         Usage : FindFile [options] [rootPath...] [options] [actions...]

                 -h, -?, -help : Print Help
                -hl, -helplong : Print Long Help
                       -format : Show Formats for printf

                               : Other:
                        -debug : Debug Mode
                  -v, -verbose : Verbose Mode
                    -q, -quiet : Quiet Mode
                -ad, -alldisks : Search on All Disks
                          -atl : ATL Regex
                          -std : std Regex (Default)
           -at, -alternatetime : With Alternate Time
                        -nouid : No UID when account not found
                        -nogid : No GID when group not found
                         -noid : No UID or GID when user/group not found
                      -uidonly : UID only
                      -gidonly : GID only
                       -idonly : UID/GUID only
                       -nowsrm : Delete without wsrm
                 -nq, -noquote : No Quote around filename on Exec
                -locale locale : Locale .1252, fr-fr, fr-fr.1252
                       -header : Header for dir, fdir
                       -bottom : Bottom for dir, fdir

                               : Filters:
               -name 'pattern' : Filter by name (use PathMatchSpec)
              -iname 'pattern' : Filter by name ignore case (use PathMatchSpec)
               -path 'pattern' : Filter by path (use PathMatchSpec)
              -ipath 'pattern' : Filter by path ignore case (use PathMatchSpec)
              -regex 'pattern' : Filter by regex
             -iregex 'pattern' : Filter by regex ignore case
              -lname 'pattern' : Filter by link name (use PathMatchSpec)
             -ilname 'pattern' : Filter by link name ignore case (use PathMatchSpec)
                        -links : Is a link
                   -type [f|d] : Filter by type file or directory
                     -daystart : Start of the Day instead of current time
            -amin [+|-]minutes : Accessed since/before minutes
            -cmin [+|-]minutes : Created since/before minutes
            -mmin [+|-]minutes : Modified since/before minutes
             -atime [+|-]hours : Accessed since/before hours
             -ctime [+|-]hours : Created since/before hours
             -mtime [+|-]hours : Modified since/before hours
             -ahour [+|-]hours : Accessed since/before hours
             -chour [+|-]hours : Created since/before hours
             -mhour [+|-]hours : Modified since/before hours
               -aday [+|-]days : Accessed since/before days
               -cday [+|-]days : Created since/before days
               -mday [+|-]days : Modified since/before days
                        -depth : Treat Subdirectory first
                   -mindepth n : Treat Subdirectories minimum level
                   -maxdepth n : Treat Subdirectories maximum level
       -size [+|-]value[bwkmg] : Size greater/less value
                        -atime : Display Access Time
                        -ctime : Display Create Time
                        -mtime : Display Update Time
                  -anewer file : Access time newer than file
                  -cnewer file : Creation time newer than file
                   -newer file : Update time newer than file
                  -cafter date : Created after date
                 -cbefore date : Created before date
                  -mafter date : Modified after date
                 -mbefore date : Modified before date
                        -empty : File is empty
               -used [+|-]days : Accessed since/before days
                    -user name : For a Username (use PathMatchSpec)
              -group groupname : For a Groupname (use PathMatchSpec)
                      -uid uid : For a User ID (use PathMatchSpec)
                      -gid gid : For a Group ID (use PathMatchSpec)

                               : Actions:
                       -delete : Delete file
                           -ls : List files (Unix Format)
                     -fls file : List files (Unix Format) in a file
                          -dir : List files (Windows Format)
                    -fdir file : List files (Windows Format) in a file
                 -exec command : Execute Command
                   -ok command : Execute Command with confirmation
              -execdir command : Execute Command
                -okdir command : Execute Command with confirmation
                               : Example : -exec cmd /c dir '{}' \;
                        -print : Print filenames
                       -print0 : Print filenames with a null
                -printf format : Print formatted
                  -fprint file : Print filenames in a file
                 -fprint0 file : Print filenames with a null in a file
          -fprintf file format : Print formatted in a file

                   -ignorecase : Ignore Case
                    -fullmatch : Match Full Line
                 -partialmatch : Match partial Line

            -ecma, -ecmascript : Use Regex ECMA Script
                        -basic : Use Basic Regex
                     -extended : Use Extended Regex
                          -awk : Use AWK Regex
                         -grep : Use grep Regex
                        -egrep : Use egrep Regex

                        std Regular : Expression
                         (?:year: )
                         (?:year: )

                        std Regular : Expression

                        ATL Regular : Expression
           {[0-9]+} Month: {[0-9]+}

   Short                  Expansion : Meaning

      \a              ([a-zA-Z0-9]) : alpha numeric
      \b                    ([ \t]) : white space (blank)
      \c                 ([a-zA-Z]) : alpha
      \d                    ([0-9]) : digit
      \h              ([0-9a-fA-F]) : hex digit
      \n               (\r|(\r?\n)) : newline
      \q           ([^]*)|('[^']*') : quoted string
      \w                ([a-zA-Z]+) : simple word
      \z                   ([0-9]+) : integer

                  -handlecrash : Handle Program Crashes
                               :  use also -verbose, -debug, -trace, -crashtostd