ConvertText (x86 Unicode) : Tue May 28 18:01 2024

                               Usage : [options] [inputfilename] [outputfilename]

                       -h, -?, -help : Print Help
                 -hl, -lh, -helplong : Print Long Help

                               -text : Text Mode
                             -binary : Binary Mode

           -from=c, -fromcp=codepage : Codepage 437, 850, 1252, utf8, utf7, acp, oemcp...
               -to=c, -tocp=codepage : Codepage 437, 850, 1252, utf8, utf7, acp, oemcp...

                           -fromutf8 : Equals -from utf8
                             -toutf8 : Equals -to utf8
                           -fromansi : Equals -from 1252
                             -toansi : Equals -to 1252
                            -fromacp : Equals -fromcp CP_ACP
                              -toacp : Equals -tocp CP_ACP
                            -fromoem : Equals -fromcp CP_OEMCP
                              -tooem : Equals -tocp CP_OEMCP

               -locale=l, -lo=locale : locale fr-fr, .1252...
                           -nolocale : No Locale

                          -q, -quiet : Quiet Mode
                             -ignore : Ignore conversion errors
                           -noignore : Do not Ignore conversion errors
                          -default=c : Default Replacing Char (?)
                         -usedefault : Use Default Char
                     -dontusedefault : Do Not Use Default Char
                              -debug : Debug Mode
                   -dc, -doublecheck : Double Check conversion
               -nodc, -nodoublecheck : Do not Double Check conversion
                             -forced : Force Conversion even when not necessary
                          -nocontrol : Ignore some controls
                            -reverse : Reverse Conversion order

                             -showcp : Show Code Page
                         -showlocale : Show Locale
                          -showallcp : Show All Code Page

                   Following Option: : For file operation only
       -i=f, -inp=f, -input=filename : Set Input Filename
      -o=f, -out=f, -output=filename : Set Output Filename
       -e=f, -err=f, -error=filename : Set Error Filename
                    -verify=filename : Verify Encoding for Filename
                    -cplist=cp,cp... : Verify Encoding Code Page List
                               -auto : Check Input file BOM and adjust
                             -noauto : Do not adjust from BOM
                             -append : Append To Error
                            -inplace : Replace old file name
                                  -y : Replace file if it exists
                            -uniread : Open Input with ccs=unicode
                                     : locale should not be defined or defined as .1252
                                     : the Code Page To must be CP_ACP
                                 -rt : Read No Encoding (use -from to decode)
                                 -rb : Read No Encoding (use -from to decode)
                                 -ru : Read Unicode with BOM (no conversion needed)
                                 -r8 : Read UTF-8 with BOM (no conversion needed)
                                -r16 : Read UTF-16 with BOM (no conversion needed)
                                 -wt : Write No Encoding (use -to to encode)
                                 -wb : Write No Encoding (use -to to encode)
                                 -wu : Write Unicode with BOM (no conversion needed)
                                 -w8 : Write UTF-8 with BOM (no conversion needed)
                                -w16 : Write UTF-16 with BOM (no conversion needed)

                                     : Examples:

                                     : dir | ConvertText -toutf8 -o utf8.txt
                                     : dir | ConvertText -w8 -o bomutf8.txt
                                     : ConvertText -fromutf8 -i utf8.txt -toansi ansi.txt
                                     : ConvertText -fromacp -i bomutf8.txt -toansi -o ansi.txt
                                     : ConvertText %s -r8 -i bomutf8.txt -toansi -o ansi.txt