ChangeFilename (x64 Unicode) : Tue May 28 18:01 2024

                              Usage : ChangeFilename [options] pathname searchString [ReplaceString]

                      -h, -?, -help : Print Help
                     -hl, -helplong : Print Help Long
                                 -- : Following arguments are not options

                     -ask, -confirm : Ask Confirmation
                    -c, -capitalize : * Capitalize filename
                             -debug : Debug Mode
                        -d, -delete : * Delete String from filename
                     -delete=string : * Delete a searched String from filename
         -deletelist=list, -dl=list : * Delete a list of searched Strings from filename
                   -date, -withdate : * Rename with date
           -datetime, -withdatetime : * Rename with date and time
                 -dir, -directories : Directories Only
                      -exclude path : Exclude Pathname
                             -files : Files Only
                    -fullmatch, -fm : Replace Full Name for RegEx
                        -g, -global : Global replace
                                -gi : Global replace and Ignore Case
                    -i, -ignorecase : Ignore Case
                     -locale locale : Locale .1252, fr-fr, fr-fr.1252
                     -l, -lowercase : Lowercase filename
                     -na, -noaccent : No Accent and special characters
         -path name, -pathname name : The Pathname to treat
       -prefix str, -withprefix str : * Rename with prefix
                             -probe : Probe Mode
                         -q, -quiet : Quiet Mode
                     -r, -recursive : Recurse In Directories
                    -replace string : * Replace : The replacing string
                    -replace=string : * Replace : The replacing string
        -replacelist=list, -rl=list : * Replace : The list of replacing string
                                    : Used for regex and normal substitution
                             -regex : Search String is a Regex
                      -regex=string : Search String is a Regex
              -s, -sub, -substitute : * Substitute String in filename
                     -search string : The string to search
                     -search=string : The string to search
         -searchlist=list, -sl=list : A list of String to search
           -sequence, -withsequence : * Rename with sequence
                     -separator sep : Separator for strings ";"
                     -separator=sep : Separator for strings ";"
        -separatordate sep, -sd sep : Separator between date item "."
                            -sd=sep : Separator between date item "."
    -separatorsequence sep, -ss sep : Separator before sequence "."
                            -ss=sep : Separator before sequence "."
        -separatortime sep, -st sep : Separator between time item "."
                            -st=sep : Separator between time item "."
   -separatordatetime sep, -sdt sep : Separator between date and time "_"
                           -sdt=sep : Separator between date and time "_"
                               -std : Use std regex
                        -std=string : Search String is a std regex
                         -testregex : * Just test Regular Expression
                                    : changefilename "-testregex={[0-9]+} Month: {[0-9]+}" -replace=($1) "Year: 2021 Month: 01"
                                    : changefilename -std "-testregex=([0-9]+) Month: ([0-9]+)" -replace="($1) M=[$2]" "Year: 2021 Month: 01"
                  -testregex=string : * Just test Regular Expression
                   -time, -withtime : * Rename with time
                     -u, -uppercase : * Uppercase filename
                       -v, -verbose : Verbose Mode

                        -ignorecase : Ignore Case
                         -fullmatch : Match Full Line
                      -partialmatch : Match Partial Line
                        -substitute : Substitute String
                            -delete : Delete String

                      -ecma[script] : Use Regex ECMA Script
                             -basic : Use Basic Regex
                          -extended : Use Extended Regex
                               -awk : Use AWK Regex
                              -grep : Use grep Regex
                             -egrep : Use egrep Regex

                                    : Std Examples
	ChangeFilename -std -testregex="([^0-9]+)([0-9]+)" -replace="$1($2)" "Year: 2021 Month: 01"
	ChangeFilename -std -testregex="([0-9]+)" -replace="($1)" "Year: 2021 Month: 01"
	ChangeFilename -std -testregex="([0-9]+)(.*)" -replace="($1)$2" "Year: 2021 Month: 01"
	ChangeFilename -std -testregex="([0-9]+)(.*)" -replace="($&)" "Year: 2021 Month: 01"
	ChangeFilename -std -testregex="([0-9]+)" -replace="$1" "Year: 2021 Month: 01"
	ChangeFilename -std -testregex="([0-9]+)" -replace="$2" "Year: 2021 Month: 01"
	ChangeFilename -d -std -testregex="([0-9]+)" "Year: 2021 Month: 01"
	ChangeFilename -i -std -testregex="(?:year: )" -replace="$&" "Year: 2021 Month: 01"
	ChangeFilename -i -std -testregex="(?:year: )" -replace="$1" "Year: 2021 Month: 01"

                                    : Std Regular Expression

                                    : ATL Examples
	ChangeFilename -testregex="{[0-9]+} Month: {[0-9]+}" -replace=($1) "Year: 2021 Month: 01"
	ChangeFilename -testregex="{[0-9]+} Month: {[0-9]+}" -replace=($1) -replace=($2) "Year: 2021 Month: 01"

                                    : ATL Regular Expression
   Short :                Expansion : Meaning
      \a :            ([a-zA-Z0-9]) : alpha numeric
      \b :                  ([ \t]) : white space (blank)
      \c :               ([a-zA-Z]) : alpha
      \d :                  ([0-9]) : digit
      \h :            ([0-9a-fA-F]) : hex digit
      \n :             (\r|(\r?\n)) : newline
      \q :      ("[^"]*")|('[^']*') : quoted string
      \w :              ([a-zA-Z]+) : simple word
      \z :                 ([0-9]+) : integer